The Earth provides enough
to satisfy every man's need,
but not enough
for every man's greed.
Hey all..!! This is the first part of "The Joy Of Laziness..!!".. In these series of write-ups, we will discuss a new way of living which we would have never come across..! We will realize what ever we did is out of force and not of passion. This is not a program which yields money but will definitely give you health & wealth. I am sharing this to the people all over the world, because I read these stuffs from a book, which to some extent showed me the way to enjoy life..!! You can literally ask questions like: " how to enjoy life?". you will get direct answers and not a program which is to be followed for a month or so...! I recommend everybody to read all the parts under "The Joy Of Laziness..!!"
Do you believe intense fitness regimen will keep you fit enough and make you live longer?
Do you believe getting up early in the morning and having cold showers is a sign of dynamic living & vitality..?
Do you believe that you got to work for 10 hours a day for your professional success?
Do you believe having 5 small meals a day is healthy..?Every thing is crap..! All these things are going to make you sleep in the coffin soon..! They all are draining your energy and consequently will shorten your life..! A doctor who made research on aging process, before attending his patients and without seeing their reports had the habit of guessing their age. So, one such patient, when she walked in, the doctor guessed her age to be 65. But when he saw her report, it stated her age to be 85. He was totally shocked and this was his first failure in guessing ages. He, out of curiosity, asked about her secret of looking young. She said that she did nothing special to keep her young apart from staying calm, every moment of her life. She hardly did sporting or attended gym regimen. Also she
often ate little, enjoyed life and fasted for once a week. The doctor then identified that genes or the strict diet techniques or the rigorous gym program where not responsible for looking young. It was only the way the lady lived happily by keeping herself calm all the time. This means she did not consume her life energy at all..!!!
To conclude, excessive ambition was foreign to them. This approach to life seems to be the secret to vitality and good health. Composure, Contentedness & moderation, are the secrets for healthy, productive & successful living..!! But Contentedness & moderation does not mean you have to be contented with mediocre things and unsatisfactory situations. It is to avoid extreme areas of life, extreme sports, excessive eating and false ambitions. Because all these stuffs can steal away your life energy, thus cause aging faster. It is only life energy consumption which causes aging.
Don't be afraid of not doing anything. Don't bother what people will speak if you are not productive. Don't be running off from peace & calmness--for this seemingly unproductive time you are doing something wonderful for your organisms..i.e saving your life energy.
Theory Of Life Energy: The Metabolic Theory..!
Every organism has limited & same amount of life energy depending on their body weight. Scientist say that an organism can use up to 2500kilojoules of life energy per gram of body weight. The process of using this life energy makes us to age..!! It is always in our hand whether to preserve or use our life energy. So to look young, it is obvious to save our life energy.One may question, what if I drain out my life energy by doing heavy work??
It is very similar to get energy after eating food and having enough rest. By taking sufficient nutritious food, we get our life energy replenished, but that depends on the metabolism our body does. Every person has a unique metabolism and if it is perfect, the replenishment of life energy is also fast. If metabolism in not proper, our life energy remains drained, thus causing tiredness and attracting all sort of disease. Thus the secret is to lower the metabolic rate & there-by consumption of life energy, we age slower. The result is long & healthy life. Energy consumption largely depends on our life style.
We encounter plenty of "energy thieves" in our daily life like stress, frustration, cold, fever, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition etc...
So I will continue this in my next posting..!!!! comments are welcome...!!!!
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