Woman Live Longer Than Man...!!!
On an average, all over the world, women live 5 to 8 years more than men. Wondering why it is so..?? Am sure that after reading through part-1 of this series, you can now guess the answer..!! ....Yes, you are right.! This is because, women life style is totally different from what men leads. A Women, consumes 10% less life energy than what a man consumes for the same work. Also generally, when we observe a woman, she talks a lot, but in a calm fashion. She may talk more number of words per minute, but if she controls that then she is under great stress. But a man, keeps digging within himself. He does not want to let out things as a woman does. Also to keep up the symbol of masculinity, they don't cry(at least in front of others). This makes him to get depressed which leads to heart attacks. When compared to women, it is men who die of heart attack most of the time. Also given a same job, there is a great difference in which both genders work to complete the job. This witnesses that women consumes less life energy than men does.
A Mouse Has As Much Life Energy As An Elephant...!!!

Small light weight animals have a very active metabolism evidenced by fast heart beat & high breathing rate. These animals use a lot of calories, so that they use up their allotted energy soon. After their alloted energy is consumed, the demand for energy for further activities are taken from the life energy of the various organs of these animals, which leads to depletion of overall life energy and thus aging and finally death which is earlier than what it is prescribed to be..!!
Remember, all use same amount of life energy/gram of body weight. But slow & inactive animals such as "turtles" which are not agitated by anything live longer. They waste least amount of life energy. Turtles move slower when compared to any other mammals. They are seen always passive, but their average life is around 150 years. If we take another example of Queen Bee, slothful and generally inactive sitting on the bee-hive waiting for the worker bees. Her laziness makes her possible to live longer than the worker bees. The worker bees work

Life Is Especially Good In A Zoo...!!
Wild animals which live in forest spend a great deal of its energy by hunting for its prey traveling miles draining its life energy often. At forest, they also are under great deal of stress to escape from its predator every day. This makes them to die sooner. But life at zoo, is most safe and luxurious for wild animals. They most often never waste their life energy by traveling miles for its prey and never under stress. They lead a restful & relaxed life make
them live longer.
at Forest at Zoo
LION 8 to 10 years. 20 years.Wild animals which live in forest spend a great deal of its energy by hunting for its prey traveling miles draining its life energy often. At forest, they also are under great deal of stress to escape from its predator every day. This makes them to die sooner. But life at zoo, is most safe and luxurious for wild animals. They most often never waste their life energy by traveling miles for its prey and never under stress. They lead a restful & relaxed life make

at Forest at Zoo
POLAR BEARS 20 years. 40 years.

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