Earlier man created fire by rubbing two stones. That became his evolution from darkness and today he has lighted up everything & everywhere. The technology has advanced too much that comfort levels are concentrated more without getting satisfied on basic needs. So came the air-conditioner, which led to a fire accident, holding clutches not only on electricity bills, but now onto life too...!
Yes, the incident happened in India, Where the family members turned on the air-conditioner at night. The A/C gave off sparks which lighted up the bed and other items. Due to the smoke and lack of oxygen people started suffocating & before they realized about the fire which broke-out, it costed them a small girls life of one & half years old. Pathetic. There was nothing to blame on the family members except for their ignorance. But the question is even though witnessing repeated fire accidents, why the Government of India does not take initiative to prevent any such further incidences..? Fire, a known culprit, even though it is useful for us when it is under control. Why the society does not insist upon the Government for safety measures..?
Things which can be done...!
Many of us must have witnessed fire alarm systems in many luxury hotels & hospitals. Why can't government adopt such measures for apartments and other houses.? I want to quote an incident which made me to keep my fingers crossed, happened in United Kingdom. Some of my friends rented a house in Glascow(U.K) to complete their higher studies. They have planned for self-cooking as they had plans to cook Indian food of their own taste. One fine day, when a guy lighted up a portable gas stove on the garden. He has left it to get warmed up as the temperature was too low. Unbelievably, Fire fighting authorities came in few minutes and warned them of fire in that house. These guys got puzzled up and checked the entire house. Nothing except the burning poratble gas stove. The fire authoritied warned and asked them to put it off and adviced them to use an induction stove or hot plate in open areas.
I am not asking the Indian Government to monitor like the Britishers do. Atleast the minimum level of safety has to be taken care off..!
Options available:
1. providing a multi-purpose fire extinguisher for every house(instead of televisions)
2. Appointment of trained personnel to educate people to extinguish various types of fire.
3. Appointment of fire personnel for inspection of fire extinguishers & maintenance of such equipments
4. Fire-scanners installed to detect fire at various places.
5. Sand buckets at every common place.
6. Every public meeting spots like meeting halls, marriage halls, hotels, restaurents, hang-outs,
cinema halls, hospitals etc..must have a well established fire plan.
Also The Government can create job opportunities for many youngsters by having the above safety system. The Government can take initiative to form an Ornganisation which takes care of maintenance of house-hold items at nominal payments. They can carry regualr checks on gas cylinders, gas stove, burners, flexible hose which connects gas cylinders & the stove, air-conditioners(even though they are manufactured by private concerns), electrical systems etc. If the repair involves major work, the Government officials can always make a remark and ask the people to take action if the repairs are going to cost more money.
I believe by making such initiatives "unemployment" can be dealth with and safe & secure life of fellow people is guarenteed.!!!
This article is " in no way hurting/critising The Government or any particular person being part of The Democratic rule.."
This article is an intiative by a responsible "Citizen", just to ensure People have safe living standards.!!!the picture shows the work area where people monitor fire by CCTV's and other devices..
remote monitoring devices and surveillance cameras.
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